We Give Because We Care
Cape Fox Cares
Cape Fox Corporation (CFC) has always been mindful of our social responsibility. Each year we organize and support many philanthropic events that give back to our communities. In order to deliver the best support we can, we have created a Cape Fox Cares Program. We are caring for our local communities across the nation, wherever Cape Fox exists. We often support children, our military and first responders, and organizations we believe further and strengthen our communities. We strive to preserve our culture, educate our youth, and strengthen our communities because Cape Fox Cares.
Gallery of Giving
Samuel Johnson defined philanthropy as the “love of mankind; good nature.” Philanthropy is the desire to promote the welfare of others through good works. Cape Fox Corporation (CFC) has always been mindful of our social responsibility. Each year we organize and support many philanthropic events that give back to our communities. We care for our local communities across the nation through our Cape Fox Cares program, wherever Cape Fox exists. We often support children, the military, first responders, and organizations we believe further strengthen our communities. We strive to preserve our culture, educate our youth, and improve our communities because Cape Fox Cares. Many of the groups that CFC has supported include, but are not limited to:
Our Military and First Responder Community
Lady Kings Basketball
Lady Kings Softball
Boys and Girls Club of Saxman
Tlingit and Haida Headstart Saxman
Junior NBA
Coats for Kids
ANB/ANS Camp 15 Easter Program
ANB/ANS Camp 15 Christmas Program
Prince William Battlefield Lodge Charitable Foundation
Toys for Tots
Cape Fox Cares Highlights
Cape Fox Corporation Gives Holiday Cheer to the Community
The holiday season is often about giving to others. Cape Fox Corporation (CFC) believes now more than ever; we need to give back to our communities and to those in need. This year, that is just what CFC did. On December 15, 2020, CFC through its Cape Fox Cares Program gave the gift of food to the Saxman community who are our family and friends. CFC wanted to be sure the community would have the food before the holidays so everyone could enjoy a holiday family meal.
Introducing the NEW Cape Fox Cares Program
During these unprecedented times, giving back to our communities has become even more important. Tlingit natives have a strong belief in family and supporting the whole community. They believe that by giving back to others, you are making everyone stronger. The Tlingit natives of Cape Fox Corporation (CFC) have instilled these same beliefs into the organization. As the company continues to grow, CFC recognized the need to establish an organized, planned donation system. This new program is called Cape Fox Cares. The purpose of the program is to ensure CFC is giving back in the most effective way while still supporting our communities as much as possible.
Cape Fox Corporation is Giving Thanks by Giving Back
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks with family and friends for the blessings in our lives that have occurred throughout the year. While the challenges of this year may make it harder to find those blessings, they are there. Cape Fox Corporation is thankful for its Saxman Village community. To show our gratitude and how much we care, Cape Fox is using this Thanksgiving to give back to the community.
Cape Fox Cares Benefits Report
Cape Fox Corporation (CFC) credits its success to the strength and unity of our employees, Shareholders, and customers. Our success affords us more ability to invest in our communities through philanthropic measures, employment opportunities, healthcare services, and economic development projects. You can now read the first annual Cape Fox Cares Benefits report, which details everything CFC did in 2020 to benefit our Shareholders, employees, and communities. Through all our work in 2020, Cape Fox stood out because Cape Fox Cares.
We live our culture each and every day, our subsistence, our language, our culture, and our elders. Without our elders, we wouldn’t be here. I want it to be perpetuated for several generations…don’t be afraid to step in and help, don’t be afraid to get involved.
Candace Williams, Cape Fox Board Member
Our legacy from the past and our cultural heritage are irreplaceable. They are sources of vitality and inspiration and represent our Tlingit values. The protection of our Tlingit culture is of paramount importance. To that end, we are actively seeking out Cape Fox Heritage Guides. Heritage Guides are mentors, leaders, and Elders who can help guide our Cape Fox youth into the future while grounding them in rich Tlingit culture, values, and traditions. If you have the skills and knowledge passed down from our ancestors, you could be a valuable resource by sharing your wisdom with the next generation. Be a part of preserving our language and heritage. We are in need of your personal abilities if you can:
- Hunt, Clean, and Skin Seal or Deer
- Catch and Filet Fish
- Stretch and Tan a Hide
- Build a Cabin
- Identify Forest Plants
- Speak Tlingit Language
- Tlingit Storytelling
- Cultural Heritage
For further information about how you can help preserve our Tlingit heritage for generations to come, contact Shareholder Services at 907.225.5163 or