This year’s 49th Annual Meeting of Cape Fox Shareholders (Annual Meeting) was a splendid success. Cape Fox Corporation (CFC) was delighted to welcome Shareholders once again with the in-person Annual Meeting on Saturday, September 17, 2022. The Annual Meeting also held the annual election for the 2022-2023 CFC Board of Directors.
This year’s Annual Meeting contained presentations on the growth and prospects for CFC to its Shareholders. This format allows Shareholders to participate in the company and share their feedback. CFC delights in communicating directly with Shareholders and listening to their thoughts and ideas.
The results of this year’s election welcomed a new member to the CFC Board of Directors. Full election results and the Board listing include:
Chairman: Richard Shields, Sr.
Vice Chairman: Charles Denny
President: Clifford Blair
Vice President: Tom Harris
Secretary/Treasurer: Candace Williams
Vice Secretary/Vice Treasurer: Crystal Blair
Director: Michael DeWitt
Director: Kenneth White
Director: Harvey Shields
CFC appreciates all the Shareholders and Board candidates for their participation in CFC’s 49th Annual Meeting of shareholders this year.