Cape Fox Corporation (CFC) welcomes guests and new friends to our shores yearly. Tourism season 2023 was a great success. One of the highlights that many tourists find when they visit Ketchikan is the Saxman Native Village Tour run by Cape Fox Tours. CFC puts much work and pride into our tourism and adventure offerings, and this hard work has been noticed. CFC has won a 2023 Experts’ Choice Award from TripExpert. This is an exceptional honor, and CFC is proud of our staff, patrons, and shareholders, who contribute to our success daily.
TripExpert was founded in 2014 to provide a source for travel reviews. Reviews cover hotels, restaurants, and attractions in over 80 countries. Experts’ Choice Awards Honors the World’s Best Travel Businesses in 2023 and is the only accolade based on professional reviews. 2023 is the seventh year these awards have been given. There are 5,800 winners in 122 countries, representing the world’s best hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions. Fewer than 2% of eligible venues receive the award, making it a distinctive honor. Experts’ Choice is the only industry accolade based on professional reviews. Sources for the awards are travel guides, magazines, and newspapers. Since last year’s awards, more than 300,000 new reviews have been added to their collection.
Saxman Native Park holds 24 totem poles from abandoned villages around Southeast Alaska, restored or recarved in the 1930s. Cape Fox Tours offers an Alaska Native–led two-hour village tour. Tours usually include a traditional drum-and-dance performance, a narrated tour of the totems, and a visit to the carving shed.
CFC is extremely honored to be included as one of this year’s award recipients. Every year, we expand our Cape Fox Tours offerings to ensure that tourists and visitors get to experience the best Alaska has to offer with adventure, history, nature, and culture. Great job, Team Cape Fox!